The Transparency Act

Act on business transparency and work with basic human rights and decent working conditions (Openness Act) entered into force on 1 July 2022.



The Act applies to larger businesses in Norway, which offer goods and services in or outside the country.


Veng Norge is a company covered by the law, and we are obliged to carry out due diligence assessments of our value chain's respect for basic human rights, decent working conditions and HSE (Health, Safety and Environment). More about the law here ( Lovdata ). See also the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority's guidance( Forbrukertilsynets veiledning ).


Veng Norge has implemented a process to map our entire supplier chain and risk-assess each one of them, obtain information, and evaluate them based on experience and/or via supplier visits. It has always been important for Veng Norge to have serious and orderly suppliers, something we have continuously worked towards. Since many of our suppliers are also suppliers to car manufacturers, great demands are placed on decent working conditions, human rights and HSE.


Our product managers have a minimum of 10 years' experience and have worked closely with our suppliers.



According to our assessments, as of today (February 2024), we have no reason to suspect a violation of human rights or decent working conditions.



If you need more information about how Veng Norge works to ensure basic human rights and decent working conditions, we would like you to do so in writing via e-mail to